Monday, February 2, 2009

Too Many Blogs, Too Little Time

I've been reading about how to increase traffic to my website, with the intention of selling more books and workshops. One of the things that is frequently suggested is blogging. Apparently if your blog is interesting enough often enough, people will come back again and again to read what you've written.

Oh. It has to be interesting? Every time? No pressure there.

In addition to being interesting, the experts strongly suggest that you stay on topic. Your blog should be a meaningful reference tool for your customers, so you need to make sure that every post contains only information they would care about. (Obviously this only applies to blogs created to help sell things.) For those who are involved in a number of different activities, the experts suggest maintaining multiple blogs. Often in the next paragraph, they also say that I should post to my blog every day, or at least three times per week.

Now I have to be interesting three times per week for each of the six lines of business I am currently promoting. That's 18 interesting messages each week, which will inevitably cut into the time I have available for writing books, making speeches, coaching consultants, selling books and incubating new businesses. While I can see that this problem would eventually solve itself, as those other lines of business die off, I'm not willing to become a full-time blogger or ignore everything else.

Instead, I'm going to try harder to put meaningful tags on my blog postings and continue to post everything here. If you don't care about my thoughts on publishing, don't read them. I'll be interesting tomorrow on whatever topic originally made you subscribe to my blog, I promise. Deal?

In the meantime, Casey and I have combined all our various interests under one website. Visit us at and see what's new!